速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter



檔案大小:30.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:俄文, 土耳其文, 巴克摩文挪威文, 德語, 法文, 波蘭文, 義大利文, 英語, 荷蘭文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter(圖1)-速報App

Virtuagym Food: Helping you to live healthy and feel great. Get a free personalized nutrition plan by answering a few questions about your lifestyle and goals. We support plans for many goals: weight loss, maintaining weight, weight gain and building muscle. Eat what you want, but keep an eye on those calories, carbs and fats!


* Food Database Validated by Expert Nutritionists

* Add your own foods

* Save meals and add them instantly next time

* Nutrition tracking for several goals (e.g. weight loss & muscle building)

* More than a calorie counter: keep an eye on those carbs, proteins and fats as well

* Integrated with Virtuagym Fitness for home & gym workouts

* Earn rewards for eating healthy

* Health app integration: Sync workouts from other apps, and save your eaten calories, carbs, proteins and fat in the Health app, so other apps can use this data

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter(圖2)-速報App


- Many other nutrition apps or calorie counters don’t have a lot of knowledge about fitness. Therefore, mistakes are being made with calorie tracking. Our apps are made in cooperation with fitness professionals and expert nutritionists, making Virtuagym the most accurate app on the market.

- It’s not a regular calorie counter. We count everything: carbs, proteins and fats, allowing you to use Virtuagym food for other goals than weight loss, like gaining weight and muscle building.

- We were one of the first apps in the Health and Fitness category and over the last few years we have been featured in the Health and Fitness category in several countries.


Our food database is linked to several official food databases. These food databases are updated on a regular basis. The foods on this list have been validated by expert nutritionists.


- Weight loss: focus on those calories to lose weight. Combine our calorie counter with exercising with Virtuagym Fitness and reach your goals!

- Maintaining weight: find the diet plan that’s right for you. You’ll get a balanced diet plan, with enough calories, carbs, proteins and fats.

- Gain weight: eat, eat, eat. Find out which foods help you to reach your goals.

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter(圖3)-速報App

- Building muscle: you’ll need protein. Lots of protein. Use our protein counter to see which foods are best for you.


We have diet plans for multiple goals. You can select your own diet plan (low carb, high protein, low calorie, whatever you want), and we provide you with your personal diet plan. Virtuagym Food comes with several diet plans:

- Durable

- High Protein Diet

- Low Carb Diet

- Muscle Building Diet

- Athlete

- Cardio

- After Weight Loss Diet

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter(圖4)-速報App

- Custom: select your own percentages of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Another good thing about Virtuagym Food is that it can be used by vegetarians as well. You can eat whatever you want. Just keep an eye on the nutrients. So if you are vegetarian, just create your own vegetarian diet plan!


- One account, access to everything you need

- Complete Workouts

- 3D-animated exercises

- Written exercise instructions

- Progress tracking: over 30 values available


Do you miss an exercise? Found a bug? Recommendations for the next version? Let us know! Feedback is always greatly appreciated. If you find a bug, please email us at support@virtuagym.com. Rating 1 star doesn’t help us to solve it.

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter(圖5)-速報App

We’re always there to help. Read a review of a satisfied Virtuagym-user:

“This app helps me so much! The few problems I had were solved on an incredible way by real people. That’s very rare these days!”


Please rate us 5 stars, so we can keep improving it :) We’re continuously working on new features and we continuously add new 3D-animated exercises. If you have any suggestions, let us know. If you want to stay updated, get useful fitness tips or if you need motivation: follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter(圖6)-速報App
